Monday, June 2, 2014

Let Go Of Split Ends

It's been a while since I've posted, but I keep getting questions about the topic of trimming and damaged ends. This is a problem that just about anyone with hair has had to address, whether you prefer heat free styling or wearing your hair pressed/flat ironed. The truth is if you style you hair often you need to trim your hair more often to prevent damage.

There is nothing healthy about holding onto 3 inches of damaged hair just to prove your hair is long. Length doesn't always equal healthy hair. On average most people should get regular trims every 3-4 months, unless you spend the majority of your time in a protective style like a weave. For those that prefer heat free styling this is just as important because the use of water and styling products in your hair often cause the hair to swell and contract which can also cause split ends and breakage.
Damaged ends that need to be trimmed. A comb can be seen through the ends easily.

The longer you hold onto split/damaged ends the more breakage will occur and the more hair will probably have to be cut off when you do finally decide the get a trim. Split ends don't just break at the ends of hair, they can cause damage higher up in your hair causing it to look thin and sparse. Once ends are split nothing can put them back together. Even though a good strength or deep conditioning treatment can help hair look and feel healthier, it does not repair split ends. A good way to tell if your ends need to be trimmed is if you can see through them clearly, it's probably time to let it go.

Hair after a trim appears healthier and thicker.
For more information on how Hair by Tamari can help you achieve your healthy hair goals visit

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